LOT 8 8 ORCHARD RIDGE Lane, Ellsworth, MI


Talk about a view! West view of Lake Michigan looks onward to Northport as the country side before it illuminates the world around with its incredible array of colors. Quietly located off of U.S. 31, this Orchard Ridge Estates 1.30 acre parcel in Atwood, Michigan, lot eight of 10 sits on U/G utilities and accessible by a paved road. Just 11 miles from Charlevoix and 40 from Traverse City, you're in between two of the most beautiful towns in Northern Michigan. Watch the breathtaking sunset with a glass of wine from the porch of your future custom home.

Property Details

Property Type lot/land
Mls # 1827723

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Kevin Perkins
Kevin Perkins
Coldwell Banker Schmidt REALTORS - 402 E Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49686
  • Traverse City, Michigan
  • Phone: 231-929-2300
Thank you

I'll be reaching out to you shortly. In the meantime, please feel free to call or text me with any questions.
Visit me online at http://www.cbgreatlakes.com/kevin.perkins


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